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Inventory Management

Providing efficient and cost-effective solutions for inventory control and replenishment.

HTDK provides consignment inventory management services for global brands, offering efficient and cost-effective solutions to optimize inventory control and replenishment processes.

At HTDK, our consignment management process ensures timely invoicing, effective shelf-life management, and inventory security. With our integrated IT platform and nationwide coverage, clients benefit from shortened lead times, increased conversion rates, and optimized inventory levels, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.


At HTDK, our consignment management process ensures timely invoicing, effective shelf-life management, and inventory security. With our integrated IT platform and nationwide coverage, clients benefit from shortened lead times, increased conversion rates, and optimized inventory levels, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Our goal is to hold reasonably sufficient inventory to deliver products in a timely and cost-effective manner and avoid obsolete inventory in the meantime.

We actively monitor inventory level and turnover days to help clients adjust sales plans to minimize the risk of inventory shortage or accumulation. Our systems enable us to quickly retrieve data on our inventories and gain real-time visibility of the current location of all products in and out of our warehouse networks—whether in a warehouse, in transit, at a customer site, or in quarantine status.

VMI Consignment management

With years of consignment management experience, HTDK have established a comprehensive consignment management process, equipped with an intelligent consignment management platform to ensure the timely invoicing, effective shelf-life management, and inventory security of consigned products.

Key Features:

  • Efficient Supply Chain: Our customized consignment model significantly shortens lead times, increases conversion rates, and captures more surgical opportunities.
  • Integrated IT and Service Platform: We provide an all-in-one IT and service platform, offering real-time transparent data. This not only facilitates informed business decisions but also enhances overall operational efficiency.
  • National Coverage: Our dedicated nationwide team focuses on covering all private hospitals, improving hospital satisfaction, and ensuring our services reach every corner of the country.
  • Optimized Inventory Management: Our high-level management system strategically optimizes the total inventory level, ensuring a seamless and efficient consignment process.